Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Jest of the Gods by Lord Dunsany

Once the Older Gods had need of laughter. Therefore They made the soul of a king, and set in it ambitions greater than kings should have and lust for territories beyond the lust of other kings, and in his soul They set strength beyond the strength of others and fierce desire for power and a strong pride. Then the gods pointed earthwards and sent that soul in the fields of men to live in the body of a slave. And the slave grew, and the pride and lust for power began to arise in his heart, and he wore shackles on his arms. Then in the Fields of Twilight the gods prepared to laugh.

But the slave went down to the shore of the great sea, and cast his body away and the shackles that were upon it, and strode back to the Fields of Twilight and stood up before the Gods and looked Then in Their faces. This thing the gods, when They were prepared to laugh, had not forseen. Lust for power burned strong in that King's soul, and there was all that strength and pride in it that the Gods had placed therein, and he was too strong for the Older Gods. He whose body had borne the lashes of men could brook no longer the dominion of the gods, and standing before Them he bade the Gods to go. Up to Their lips leapt the anger of the Older Gods, being the first time commanded, but the ki9ng's soul faced Them still, and Their anger died away and They averted Their eyes. Then Their thrones became empty, and the Fields of Twilight bare as the gods slunk far away. But the soul chose new companions.

Σκέφτηκα να μεταφράσω το παραπάνω κομμάτι αλλά κάπου έχανε στην ελληνική απόδοση οπότε το αντέγραψα όπως ήταν. Μου αρέσει γιατί θυμίζει λίγο "Σταχτοπούτα". Οι ταπεινοί και οι καταφρονεμένοι (στην περίπτωση αυτή ο βασιλιάς) παίρνουν το αίμα τους πίσω οι υπέυθυνοι τιμωρούνται όπως τους αξίζει (υπάρχει δικαιοσύνη στον κόσμο!!!).

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